The Giants Keep on Coming!

Lately l feel like my life could be summarized by the following statement: “If it ain’t one thing, it’s another! The giants just keep on coming!” I’m sure at times we all can relate to the sentiments of “When it rains, it pours,” but even during those trying times, we can still find things to be grateful for! When the ‘Giants’ keep coming, you have to learn to control what you can control! Sometimes we drive ourselves crazy worrying about things that will never happen and panicking before anything ever happens! STOP AND CONTROL WHAT IS WITHIN YOUR POWER TO CONTROL! We can be guilty of putting more pressure on ourselves than anyone else! Let’s break that habit! When those hurdles of life come, we will do our best to jump over each one as best as we can and keep going to the finish line! Giving up isn’t an option! WE GOT THIS!! 🙂

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